10-drivers-of-blended-learningThis year we have taken a new approach to the way that we incorporate technology into our classroom instruction. Our school has utilized programs such as Reflex Math, Lexia, and Raz-Kids; this year we have added a couple more programs to that growing list. While we have always had quite a list of computer programs to help with math and literacy but never a designated time for all students to use these programs. This year we have added time to everyday for students to use these programs under their teachers direction. With 30 minutes everyday devoted to digital learning students now work on assignments given by their classroom teacher in order to front load them or reinforce the lessons that are being taught that day.

This provides a lot of advantages to our classroom teachers and students. The content can now be differentiated based on the students needs and changes the way the way teachers spend their classroom time.

Mr. McClung


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