Creating Topographic Maps

Today we continued our conversations about topographic maps as we used water and mountain replicas to help us further our knowledge of how they work. Students were given clear plastic boxes with a replica of a mountain in it. They were asked to add green water to their clear tubs in 1 inch intervals and…

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Topographic Map Practice

Students, today we will be working topography maps once again as we practice reading them. Today we will use an online lab activity to study topography. Please click on the link below to visit the website that host the lab that we will be performing today…remember to complete both lab A and B and the…

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The Finished Product

Toooooday marked the end of our three day journey through using salt dough to mold and reproduce the six geographical regions of Arkansas. It has been a very busy and messy week for us, but after a long week of molding our maps we finally added color to the activity.Today students were asked to take…

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A Big, Salty, Doughy, Mess…

Big things are happening in my room this week…today we continued our work with salt dough as we got a little hands on today. After letting our dough sit over night, this morning it was ready to mold into the state of Arkansas. Students were asked to take their dough and mold it into the…

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Creating a Motor

Today we spent some time talking about how you can turn electrical energy into mechanical energy. Students were asked to build a simple electric motor using Play-Doh, paper clips, copper wire, and a battery. The video above is from my two of my first period students identifying the parts of their motor.

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Insulators v. Conductors

Caden & Gaddy explaining our lab activity from today. Today in class we continued our conversations about currents and creating circuits. Today we explored what type of materials serve as good conductors and what materials do serve as good insulators. Students were asked to create a circuit, much like the one from last week, then…

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Creating Electrical Circuits

Today I introduced electrical currents to my students. We discussed how that electrical currents are much different from static electricity in the fact that it is a continuous flow of energy…as oppose to the build up and sudden release of energy that static electricity shows. We also talked about electrical currents and how they power…

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Static Electricity

With our conversations about atoms and atomic modeling wrapped up, today we moved on to a new topic of study…electricity. We began today by talking about static electricity and discussing the principles behind it. Materials are made up of protons (positive) and electrons (negative) charges. Typically these two cancel each other out leaving us with…

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Identifying Protista

Today in science we continued our use of the microscopes by locating organisms in pond water. Students were given instructions on how to prepare a wet mount to make these microscopic organisms visible and were turned loose. Students were asked to find 8 different organisms and describe their movement and structure. Here is what they…

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The Letter “E”

Above is a picture of a clipping of the letter “e” from a newspaper….it is being projected using an Eyeclops. That’s right….today’s science lesson is brought to you by the letter “e”. In continuation of our talk about living organisms, today I introduced microscopes to my students to become familiar with their functions. In order…

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