DSC00609With our conversations about atoms and atomic modeling wrapped up, today we moved on to a new topic of study…electricity. We began today by talking about static electricity and discussing the principles behind it. Materials are made up of protons (positive) and electrons (negative) charges. Typically these two cancel each other out leaving us with a neutral charge. However, we can add or take away electrons and give a material or object a positive or negative charge. Today we discussed three ways to build up a static charge by adding electrons:

1. Friction Charge – Transfer of electrons from one uncharged object to another by rubbing.
2. Conduction Charge – Transfer of electrons from a charged object to another by direct contact.
3. Induction Charge – Movement of electrons to one part of an object caused by a combination of electric fields.

In the video above, you will see that we took a balloon and gave it a negative charge by rubbing it to our clothing or hair (friction). Then we held the balloon in close proximity to the can and the can would follow the balloon. This is due to the negatively charged balloon attracting the protons from the soda can.

Tomorrow we will continue our conversations about static electricity and talk about how the electricity discharges.

Mr. McClung

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