Lesson One – The Jersey Wall

IMG_0150Anyone that visits my classroom will tell you that I have nothing of educational value on my walls…instead I decorate my room as if it was my on personal playroom and I was ten years old. I cover my wall with flags, pictures, posters, and of course jerseys. Some time back I started hanging 2-3 jerseys on my wall which soon morphed into about 10-12 jerseys.

Students have donated jerseys to hang up in our classroom and have taken quite a bit of pride in this wall. In fact, we this week we had a Barcelona, Columbus, AC Milan, and Germany soccer jerseys…every though one particular British student in my class does not care for the Germany National jersey! We are always looking for jersey donations and hopefully we can continue to add more jerseys to our wall.

Lesson Two – Prezi

This week my Arkansas History students have been working on their “Famous Arkansan Projects” and to complete this task they have been using a website called Prezi. Prezi is an awesome website that allows users to create presentations that are far different from your traditional Powerpoint presentations…check out the make-shift Prezi I created for my 5th period student above.

Lesson Three – Eggs are Not People

egg babyThis week my female students have bombarded me with their “egg babies” that they received in their home economics class. Their egg babies were apart of a project to see see how well they took care of pretend baby. Some students didn’t make it to the end of the day without breaking their egg baby, and others took it to the other extreme…see the spoiled egg baby in the car seat pictured above. Overall I suppose this is a good project to take part in, but I’m so done with hearing about these egg babies…and I see another egg baby in my room I just might crush it. Have a good weekend.

Mr. McClung

2 thoughts on “Lessons Learned”

    1. Hey Michelle, thanks so much for the comment. While I was worn a little thin by the baby project this past week, it was still a good project for my students to take part in. They took a lot of pride in protecting their eggs and it was good to see them care so much about a school project….however, I have told my students that I will violently throw an egg against the wall if I see another one….I’m over egg babies.

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