Recently both my Arkansas history and science students completed projects using a website called Glogster. Glogster is a website that essentially allows you to create an online poster board. Check em’ out…

Abbove is an example from my 4th period Arkansas history class…this student’s city was Little Rock, Arkansas.

In Arkansas history, my students were asked to research an Arkansas city in an effort to find a variety of information about that town including economy, demographics, recreation, attractions, history, etc.

This is another example from my Arkansas history class…this student’s city was Stuttgart, Arkansas.

Example from my first hour science class…their project highlighted the Neils Bohr Atomic Model.

As I stated before, I also used Glogster with my science students. Their task was to complete a presentation, using Glogster, highlighting an atomic model theory from a certain point in time. Students used text boxes, pictures, graphics, and effects to complete thier Glogs. For me examples of our completed Glogs, check out the “Student Work” tab at the top of the page.

Mr. McClung

3 thoughts on “Glogster…The Finished Product”

  1. These look great! I will have to check out glogster for some of our upcoming projects. BTW – VERY excited about our first Tie Tuesday tomorrow!

  2. Did you find this took more time or less time than a traditional poster? Although I don’t consider this a transformative tool, I do see it as a fun digital alternative. Of course, the ability to add video or audio makes it much more impressive than a 2-d poster.

    1. Of course there was the additional work at the front end, but I felt like it was a more efficient way to do a poster. Most of my students thought that it was very useful, fun digital project like you said, and some of them opted for to do a traditional poster.

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