
Can you imagine a world were you could attend school from your own house? Or not having to lug around heavy textbooks? Well people are starting to believe this will happen; in fact it has already started. This summer, Florida students K-8 grade are going to be offered a chance to take online classes, so in other words, they won’t have to go to school. Well at least not the  building. This is especially good for students who are either failing or are being bullied. It gives them a chance to learn away from an environment that can harm, distract, or stress them. They will be able to learn in the comfort of there own home. In fact most states in the USA are providing online courses for high school and middle school students, there are only 14 states’ that don’t offer this program for students. So next time when you day dream about cool inventions that might happen in the future, it might be closer to becoming truth and not fiction than it actually appears.


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