My name is Jared. This week Mr. McClung has asked me to write about a topic of my choice, and I chose to talk about the health care reform.

Let’s get this out of the way now, I don’t consider myself either a democrat or a republican, because I’m only fourteen. I do, however, think that the new health care plan is a good thing, for the most part. Like anything and everything in life, it has its drawbacks. If you are healthy, you do have to pay a fine each year. If you have medicare, the money the government spends on you gets cut back. Let’s face it, though: There are very few, if any, things that humans have made perfect. Take the Iphone for example. When the first version came out, everyone thought it was the best thing ever. Now, the first version looks bad compared to newest version. My point is, it’s extremely hard to perfect something. Health care is just another iphone. We’ll never have a perfect system. The plan we just put into action, though, has many upsides too. It gives everyone health care who didn’t have it before, and I don’t understand how that is recieved as a bad thing. Our job as humans is to help people who need it, and this bill does that. Despite the fact that it has downsides, for me the goods outweigh the bads. The fact that people get help they need is more important than losing ninety-five dollars a year for not having health care.

Jared C.

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