IMG_0093Today marks the 3rd day of our grass competition…and so far it has been very lackluster. My students are being very patient as they continue to check their grass and wait for some sign of grow. While there have been a few blades of grass that sprouted it has been very slow going so far.IMG_0092Following the student choice aspect of this competition, I allowed my students to water their grass in whatever manner they believe will grow the best grass…so far there has not been any unusal watering techniques but that could all change.

Mr. McClung

2 thoughts on “Watching Grass Grow”

  1. Hi
    My name is Nichole and I am from Dr. Strange’s EDM 310 class. I’ve never thought of a grass growing competition before. Honestly, I’d probably drown the grass. I looked ahead to see the results, and they were great! This is a very good way to teach responsibility rather than just telling students to remember their supplies!

  2. Hi I am also from Dr. Strange’s EDM 310 Class. I think this a great assignment. Making the grass growing into a competition is a great way to keep the students interested in the project. I am definitely excited to see if anyone changes how they water the grass. Great Idea! Thanks for sharing!

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