McClungsThis past Friday marked the first annual McClungs Ceremony. The McClungs is an award ceremony unlike any other because of the fact that they are not given out to the students with the best GPA or academic record in my class…but rather they are given out to students for the other “stuff” that is commonly associated with teaching jr. high students. Before we go any further, lets talk real quick about how the winners for The McClungs are chosen.

It is a very rigorous process that involves myself sitting in front of a computer screen for about 15-20 minutes. In this time I think of the first 10-12 awards (each class) that come to mind and who they belong to…and that’s pretty much it. Only one award that I give out is associated with academics (MVP) and the rest are given out for pretty much whatever I feel like. So let’s talk award winners.

Some of the awards given out included MVP, the stay positive award, the showstopper award, fashion guru award, the es mi hermana award, the topper award, most time spent in the penalty box, most time spent hating on Mr. McClung, the OMG award, most 3g usage in class award, etc…A total of 60 awards were given out by the end of the day and every award was different from the other.

The awards ceremony was a smash hit and the kids responded well too. Quite a few of my students took my advice and decided to dress up for this occasion and really impressed me with their outfits…and at the end of the day the awards ceremony was a success because the focus was not to award the minority that are the best and brightest in our school, because quite honestly they receive a lot of recognition anyways. Instead it was to focus on individuals who don’t always get recognized by honor rolls or other awards in school. Those kids are just as important to me as the ones that are “overachievers”…and above all the main goal I had for this ceremony was to have fun and I can safely say that we accomplished that task.

Mr. McClung

3 thoughts on “Celebrating Excellence in Education”

  1. Hi Mr. McClung,

    I read this post for an assignment in Dr. Strange’s EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama. It is wonderful that you are giving all students a chance to be recognized and I am sure they will always remember it. I agree that it is important to make sure all students get some sort of appreciation for the unique things they bring to the learning environment. I hope to do the same for my students one day. Keep up the great work!

    If you would like to see what else we are doing in EDM 310 you can visit our class blog or my personal class blog.

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