Lesson One – Lessons Learned in Great American Schooling

Nothing says America quite like The Duke…

Each Friday in my class is a mini holiday…on Fridays we take the time to celebrate the week that was by listening to a little bit of Arcade Fire and doing the lessons learned of the week. Lessons learned is a great way to reflect on our week in school and finish the week up right. So here we go…

Lesson Two – The Weekly Ten

P8270037Earlier this week I introduced to my students a learning map that included all the essential knowledge that my students will need to know by the end of the semester. With these learning maps each week we take time to check out knowledge by doing a Weekly Ten. The Weekly Ten consist of ten questions from our knowledge maps that are chosen at random, after completing the the ten questions the students check their own answers and we use that information to track our learning progress throughout the year. These are not taken for grades they are simply to help us keep track of how we are progressing in our knowledge throughout the year.

Lesson Three – Give Me Downward Dog

This week in cross country we had a little bit of extra time on our hands before our after school practices this week so we used that time to stretch it out a bit. I introduced some unique stretching to my students that included a little bit of yoga…that’s right, yoga. Once they were able to get over the giggles and awkwardness of some of the positions it actually went well. Some are still a little unsure about the yoga thing, but hopefully they will settle in a bit.

Mr. McClung

One thought on “Lessons Learned”

  1. I think that Yoga is a creative but worthwhile skill for your students to learn. I am already enjoying the fact that you can ‘follow’ the work of the team developing throughout the year, so we can follow them in an online sense (perhaps their thoughts on the yoga?) Also I’ve always been a big fan of ‘lessons learned’ because I think reflections a great tool, and also a place to share/crib ideas. Hence finally I have a set of ties for Tie Tuesday this year!

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