Today our teacher, Mr. McClung told us to write about the causes and effects of the Great Depression. We also have to tell if there is anything that could be done differently. There are many causes of the Great Depression, one of them is the stock market crashing because of risky investments and people were panicing so they started selling their stocks. Also the banks failed because they didn’t have enough money because everyone was taking theirs out. Reduction of buying was another big problem because there was over-production. But, during the roaring 20’s was when the economy started back up and was doing a lot better! There were also many effects to the Great Depression. One is when FDR started the New Deal and was making plans for the economy to recover and the government became more involved. Also, everything was frugal because people wanted to start back cheap so producers could actually sell things and consumers could buy things. Urbanization was also an improtant because people started moving to the big citys. If there was something that could have been done differently it would probably be that people could have not spent as much money and they shouldn’t buy things they didn’t know if they could pay for it. Also, the factories could have paid more attention and not have made as many products because people couldn’t buy them. As you can see, the Great Depression was a bad time for the economy, but if they made smarter decisions this probably wouldn’t have happened or it probably wouldn’t have been such a big deal.


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