Greetings People of the World,

My name is Walker Powell but I am known as Dr. Pow.  Today I will be telling you about the Great Depression and what happened in that period of time.  There are 3 main points that stood out to me when I was doing my research in the POW-WOW Lab.  The first point I  have today is the major causes of The Great Depression.  Some of the causes were, the stock market crashed, Bank failures, and Reduction of buying.  The Stock market crashing was very big because the market starting doing bad and people started freaking out.  They all started taking there money out and the Stock Market just crashed.  Bank failures were big because when the Stock Market crashed, all of the people started rushing to the bank to get there money out, but they couldn’t because the bank didn’t have enough money to give back.  So they closed the banks and people were furious!!  Finally there was reduction of buying.  This happened because at the time, farmers were making too many crops to sell at one time.  So then they would run out of supply and nobody bought there products.   Some of the effects of this terrible time was Frugal, Urbanization, and New Deal.  Frugal happpend because of the people, and they didnt have alot of money anymore.  So they started making smarter investments, and spending there money wiser.  Urbanization was caused because the farmers or people living out in the country, moved into the big cities for more job opportunities and to live better.  Finally the New Deal was a HUGE deal because that is when FDR became president, he had all of these new ideas to save the economy.  If he didn’t end up saving the economy, we would not live as good as we are living right now.  Those are some big points of interest in the Great Depression.  Please comment on some new names for my name and Lab.  Thank you and goodnight.


Dr. Pow (Walker Powell)

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