We have taken the past few days in my class to focus on political parties and movements. My students have been studying the difference in communist, socialist, and fascist movements and the basic ideals behind all of these. We have been able to take a critical look at all of the above and make a comparison between how other countries operate differently from our own here in America. By taking at look at what works and doesn’t work with various political movements, students are able to clearly identify aspects that help make a strong country. Students will continue to use this knowledge in their create a country project where they will be given a chance to put their knowledge of governments to work…stay tuned.

Mr. McClung

One thought on “Killer Parties”

  1. Hi! My name is Caryn and I am in Dr. Strange’s EDM 310 class at The University of South Alabama. I think it is important for students to know the different political terms and movements. If a student believes or thinks something and they get into a “debate” aout it they will need to know their stuff to be able to back it up with the correct term or evidence. I hope their projects turned out well!

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