Somewhere in there Chevy pwns noobs and Ortiz rides dragons…I think.

Yesterday I gave my students the task of creating their own country and incorporating their knowledge of economy and civics to describe how their countries government will operate. Keep in mind this assignment is not all serious…students have several portions of their project that allow them to express their “creativity”, including the other section.

Students were given a other section to list any information that they feel would be useful for the reader to know about their country. The video above is one group of boys from my 4th period class that decided the other section needed a national anthem…and their national anthem requires beatbox, rapping, and of course dancing.  So far this has been the most creative use of the other section, but I’m sure this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Mr. McClung

One thought on “Create a Country Progress”

  1. Hello Mr. McClung,

    I really enjoyed this post. It looks as thought the students had so much fun and got a lot out of it. I really like how you gave the students a chance to express their creativity and also how it was not such a serious project. I think that some teachers get wrapped up in being serious and getting work done that in the end the students do not get much out of it. The video you have posted is awesome. They boys did such a great job. Seeing things like that makes me every excited to become a teacher. Thank you for the great post!


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