So lately there has been alot of talk about if kids should concentrate on learning about the skills that interest them or they should just learn about the basic subjects Math, Science, etc. So why are are schools considering these possibilities on how to learn? They might start using these methods with the kids, so that they can start focusing on the subjects and  learn the areas that can get them better prepared for the jobs they have decided to pursue. Then on the other hand, if these kids decide to focus themselves on the learning and preparations for their future job and not do the general learning. People are worried that kids doing the learning for a job that doesn’t require math will not get the core learning value of math, that they would get doing the basic learning. So now after all of this, I would like to tell you how I feel about all of this. If I were to decide between the two I would like to go with the focused learning. Because, I’m currently past my basic learning in all the main classes and would like to concentrate on the material needed to make me a good lawyer (Lawyer is what I want to be when I grow up). So from my perspective I would say do general learning through K-7th, then start focusing on classes to help you get prepared for you future job.

By: David Wolf

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