Lesson One – Salt Dough Locker

lockerAbout two weeks ago I had a couple of problems on my hands…first of all I had a ton of salt dough maps left over from our beginning of the year project and I also had one student that had a chronic problem of leaving his locker door wide open. So naturally I took the move that any self respecting teacher would and I loaded this student’s locker up with all of my extra salt dough maps. However, I am the one that has learned the lesson here though because now that his locker is jam packed with salt dough he has started using my room as a locker.

Lesson Two – Fashion Statements

beltHere in my class we are all about fashion…as evident by the events of the past few weeks. Recently we have made some recent discoveries and reached some major milestones in the world of fashion. We found out that flannel is the new black, as you can see by the matching shirts of myself and my twin Mr. Wolf. In addition to the abundance of flannel, a member of our 4th period class decided to make a new years resolution to wear a belt…that’s right, Ortiz has a belt now. And the 4th period students rejoice.

Lesson Three – Beats by McClung

beatsWhat has started with an unhealthy obsession with my class has now turned into the next big thing in headphones. Mr. Smith and Mr. Koch are students in my computer applications class and have devoted a lot of time and effort to me…they enjoy stalking me on Google images and find photos of me that they can use as background images. But recently it has gone past just background images, in fact they have now created a product that will rival Beats by Dre, thanks right it’s Beats by McClung. Inspired by the need for new headphones in our computer application class they decided to design a new brand of headphones that feature both a likeness of myself and my last initial. This concept has really caught on with many of my 8th grade students and has really become a running joke…and for that it has earned a place in Lessons Learned folklore.

Lesson Four – Meet The New Boss

DSC01007About two weeks ago we had a new addition to our big happy family here at Woodland; this addition is the one and only Ms. Simonek. Ms. Simonek will be interning in my social studies classes for the next 6 weeks and comes to us from Henderson State University. Starting next week Ms. Simonek will basically be taking over in my social studies classes and I will be serving as her assistant. Student teaching is such a huge step in the professional career of an educator and we are all glad that Ms. Simonek is able to take that step here at Woodland.

Mr. McClung

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