ConfederateThe other day in class we discussed the confederate flag and the hidden meaning behind it. Many people in the south see the flag as a representation for “southern pride”, while others simply see it as a symbol that represents a period of slavery, racism and hatred. In this conversation we also talked about can symbols of southern pride still be used that aren’t the confederate flag…this is most definitely true. Our state flag for example has a 4th star that represents the four year we were apart of the Confederate States of America. This symbolism is a indicator of our southern heritage but it is not a symbol that is not inflammatory nor highly debated as the flag is.

The picture seen to your left is from downtown Bentonville, AR. The statue is meant to pay respect to all Benton County soldiers that fought for the confederacy in the Civil War…in fact, if you notice you can see the word “Confederate” printed at the bottom. My question to you, where does this symbol of southern pride fit into our debate? Is it respectful while still paying respect to the confederacy or does it fall into the same category as the flag? Thoughts?

Mr. McClung

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