Yesterday in class we took some time to debrief the meanings behind our scores that we received from our political compass test we took on Tuesday. Students took a test in which they were asked to share their thoughts and beliefs on certain issues that are popular around election time. After they took this test they then scored the test and found out what their political leanings were…Republican, Democrat, or something in between.

Here were the results shown from class to class. On the rubric, the lower the number the students scored the more conservative their views were and the higher the number indicated more liberal views(possible score of 10-30). The majority of the students finished somewhere in the moderate range (20). This is to be expected seeing that they are only 13 or 14 years old and they are still developing their opinions on many issues. It is also expected that many of the students would have strong feelings one way or the other depending on the views of their parents. Nevertheless, while the results of a political compass test given to junior high kids my not produce the most reliable data, it still provides them with a base understanding of what their leanings are and helps them better understand topics that are debated in politics.

Mr. McClung

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