Lesson One – Don’t Let Your Babies…

This entire week has been our spirit week at school as we prepare to play our cross town rival Ramay Jr. High. Students this week have been dressing up in all kinds of ridiculous outfits to show their Woodland Cowboy pride…just like Thursday, which was cowboy day.

Lesson Two – Early Out

Right now we are currently at the end of the 1st quarter of our school year and taht means it’s time for parent/teacher conferences. School will be dismissed today to allow for parent/teacher conferences, so enjoy the 3 day weekend.

Lesson Three – Beard King

As luck would have it, I actually won a school contest. Yesterday at our Beat Ramay pep rally I was announced as the beard king for our beard off contest. Teachers around the school volunteered to have a fake beard put on them via an app called “Beard Me”, and then students were asked to vote for their favorite bearded teacher by donating money to that particular teacher. For my end of the deal I had to promise the kids to shave my current beard into the fashion they choose…which explains the sweet style seen above. Needless to say, I was very thrilled to be crowned the winner since my past attempts to win such contests have failed miserably.

Mr. McClung

4 thoughts on “Lessons Learned”

  1. Mr. McClung,
    I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. Spirit week sounds like a lot of fun! I can see that you really enjoyed winning that contest! I attended Mobile Christian School from K-12th grade, we had a homecoming week that is much like your spirit week. We would dress up in different outfits for the different days such as western day, flashback day, and pajama day. We also had different games and contests that we did during pep rally’s that week. I was a cheerleader all throughout middle and high-school so I took part in putting the games together and picking out what the dress up days would be.
    I enjoyed reading this post and looking at your blog! It brought back some memories from when I was younger!
    -Ashley Howard

  2. Mr. McClung:
    Hi, My name is Jeni Stovall and I am also a student of Dr. Strange’s at USA. I remember that for my middle school we didn’t really have spirit week so the fact that your students do and get so into it is really cool to me. I also remember that we did have contests for the teachers though and that everyone always loved the ones that won and had them do crazy things. As for losing most attempts at contests like this, I’m the same way, pretty much anything I sign up to do like this I don’t end up winning, so I know that when I do I will be as excited as you seem to be. Hope you have a good rest of the semester and teaching career.
    ~Jeni Stovall

  3. Hi! I am Whitney Watson. I am currently enrolled in edm310 at the University of South Alabama. Unfortunately at my school we had very limited freedom when dressing out for spirit week. Sounds like spirit week was a lot of fun for your school. I think the kids chose a great look for you!
    Whitney Watson

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