I have been able to use Google Apps to streamline many of the processes that I use on a day to day basis at my job, but probably the most beneficial application of these apps has been through our current discipline system. By utilizing Google Forms, Sheets, and the Formmule Add-on I have been able to go to a paperless system that makes reports readily available. Through the video above I give a quick explanation of how to utilize Formmule with your discipline referral system in order to create automated reports.

The real benefit to using this system is not only the documentation that is created by having a running discipline referral system, but also the reports. The reports help me in my job by being able to keep everyone informed at all times. Depending on what report or action is taken based on the report, I can then notify my attendance secretary, special education designee, upper administration, counselors, in-school suspension supervisors, school resource officer, and anyone else that may have an educational interest in the report. Feel free to check out the video and explore the form that is discussed in the video by clicking on the link below.

Discipline Referral System

Mr. McClung

One thought on “Streamlining Discipline”

  1. Very nice. I have been using sheets and forks but was not aware of Formmule. Will be very soon though.

    Is this the only way you allow teachers to write students up? If so, how did you accomplish this? Did you have any push back from resisters? Is this the system your district uses or just you personally? Do you just then copy/paste into eSchool? Or does a secretary do that for you?

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