Soak Up The Sun

Those of you that follow our blog close enough know that I am no fan of winter weather. With that said, I could not be happier with the beautiful weather we have had here in Fayetteville the past two days. With temperatures in the 70’s and 80’s this week it is safe to say that…

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Health Care Talk

A lot of big news has occurred while we were on our spring break. Today in social studies, we will devote time to talking health care and what are some possible positives and negatives that could occur from this bill. Mr. McClung

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And we’re back! It’s been a long time since we were last in school, but after a much needed spring break we are ready to take on the last quarter term of school and finish this school year strong! Way back on March 18th (before spring break), my science students began a studying lights and…

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Free Energy

Free Energy is your band of the week. Free Energy is an indie rock band from Philadelphia. This band specializes in party anthems and catching jingles that become very additive. While their music is very reminiscent of a band like The Strokes, their music is a retroactive take on classic 70’s rock in it’s true…

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Lessons Learned…Spring Break Edition

Lesson One – Speed Traps Violator…that’s what I am. Never in my life had it more more clear that I Joseph K. McClung am indeed a violator. Late last night (11:05 pm…according to my ticket) I was driving to my home from a short trip to Mountain View, AR (hometown) when one of Rogers’ finest…

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Life Full of Lessons!

Hello there dear reader, my name is Kelly. My Teacher, The one and only Mr. McClung, has asked that we write a new blog for him. The title of The blog is Lessons Learned, and as it is self explanatory, I will not go into to much detail. So that being said, here are my…

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Lessons Learned

Lesson one- Too many books There are simply to many books in the world to read in to little amount of time. I have recently made a book schedule so i know  when read which book. But what i haven’t thought of is books that teachers assign me to read. So over this break i…

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Ipods in Class?

Mr. McClung has asked me to write a letter on the following subject: A hot topic in educational technology today is the use of ipods in the classroom. Write a persuasive letter to your school administration stating your opinion about the topic. Dear Administration My name is Jared. I am in eighth grade at Woodland…

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The ‘Perfect’ Classroom

Mr. Mcclung has asked us to pick and write a blog post assignment about the ‘perfect’ classroom in our eyes. First of all, I don’t think that there could be a ‘perfect’ classroom because there will always be someone out in the world that will disagree with you. If there was such a thing as…

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Lessons Learned

Lesson One – Baking Brownies This week at Woodland, many of my students were very busy putting together their “brownie project” that they were preparing for their career orientation and keyboarding classes. In these projects students learned how to market and sell brownies by creating their own line of brownies and selling them to teachers…

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